Wednesday, July 28, 2010

when wisdom hits

It is a sad triumph that working people take in that clock hand hitting five. Suddenly they are all like ‘VICTORY’, I made through another day. Then they often think they are entitled to some sort of reward, and that is how most alcoholics started out. With that after work drink. There might be something- I should come back to it.

Since I am getting married (yay and happy dance- because people are convinced I am not nearly as excited as I should be) I am no longer confused by my status as an adult. Of course I am grown-up. An actual (rather adorable) boy-man wants to marry me. And once I am hitched- I will be Ma-what-what. Wait, I think I need a kid for that title. Crap! I digress, as usual.

My point was going to be that as a full-fledged adult, I need job satisfaction. Sure annoying colleagues whose thought patterns are obscure and dull management make that hard, but not impossible. So I pledge to go against the tide. To take pleasure in ALL my work and not just the creative bits.

And now I am off to celebrate my victory!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Marc by Marc Jacobs

I really do apologise for my last blog. It is almost a pity I wrote it sober...although in my defence I did think I was close to the end.

This past Saturday I went to a vintage-market-sale thingy. And for once I am proud to say I did not have to be dragged there. It is really disturbing how maybe 7 times out of 10, I have to feel like I went somewhere out of duress- when I’d rather be at home, doing nothing. I digress.

The point is I went under my own volition. And even though said-friend-who-did-not-drag-me-there would like to claim responsibility I bought my first ever proper designer bag of my volition. The bag is a rather cute Marc Jacobs workwear pink leather bag. See picture.

I am not really a designer-label junkie. My fashion criterion usually rises to cute. The cheaper the better. Cheaper and of awesome quality- even better! I know, very hard to find. The point of my recent purchase is that this bag is my first. I will treasure it for a while to come. More than the bag- I really like Marc Jacobs. Usually designers make a little impression on me beyond their clothes, but Marc is quirky and cute.

I also found out that vintage store people tend to look down on designer-purchases. The sales person at the store insinuated my purchase was absurd and I am sure he thinks I kick hungry kids in the street. So unfair. But that is the price one pays.
The phone keeps ringing- so I am going to have to stop. Point is- I love my new bag. It’s been a long time coming.

Friday, July 2, 2010

dizzy spell

Last night, someone locked me at work. It was not a complete disaster as I had my tag with me and an alarm code. I found out this morning that it was actually my boss who’d done it. It was disturbing that he is not aware that for the last couple of months I have been working late almost every night. It is not for noble reasons (I have to wait for my person to pick me up), but still.

Anyway- that little incident got me thinking about being forgotten. It fucking sucks. Friends, lover and parents have all forgotten me at one point or other.

Not fucking cool.

I have some difficulty in writing this blog as I suspect I might actually die. I am on this medication that says to ‘avoid alcohol’. Who knew they were serious? I had like two sips. My head got sore. I stopped. But now, it is still sore. I am a little itchy and I closed my eyes for 30 seconds and now I am seeing stars.

This might be the last thing I ever write. So if your prescription bottle says ‘AVOID ALCOHOL’ then just fucking do it. Who knew dentists are like real doctors?? Not fair. Great- now I feel nauseous. Woe is me world. Can’t even remember what I started blogging about and frankly I don’t give a damn!