Monday, May 24, 2010

Maybe this Time

I am new to blogging, therefore I am not quite sure what blog etiquette is. For instance- can you have more than one post in one day? You might think this simple enough to answer. I mean it’s only natural that more than one thing happens in a day. But maybe one should rather wait till the end of the day and write about it in its entirety.
Well here it goes:
• I woke up
• Went to work
• Hugged my boss who’d just come back from Cannes
• Started a blog
• Mused if said blog is going to make me famous

The above is not exactly riveting stuff. The reason I came back to post something else though is slightly more profound than describing my day- if I may be so bold. I told my boyfriend on the way home that I had started a blog. His initial response was- “baby what happened to the book you had just started?”
It is on hold. I tend to do that quite a bit. Put things on hold. I blame my parents of course- they should have equipped me with the skills to not put things on hold. To be a follow-throughwer.
So I find myself wondering...will this blog be yet another aspect of my life that is shelved?
It is eerie being almost 27- looking at your life and thinking there is still so much time to live and do things. But I was once 21 and thought the same. Time is a sneaky little bitch.
The point is I do not know if this blog will still hold my interest tomorrow. I hope it does- because there is a lot of fuckery in the world that somebody needs to write about.
Tomorrow I’ll learn how to dismantle shelves.


  1. I also haven't quite gotten around to understanding this blogging thing. Should be an interesting ride.....let's go.

  2. Hey, I tried looking for your blog. Not public yet?
