Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Tact People

Finally after a gruelling week of waiting- I got the new frame for my glasses today. Yay! The frame is gorgeous if I do say so myself. But what I found disturbing was how my optometrist and his two assistants could not stop telling me how much better it was than my old one.

I mean sure- I understand the concept of standing behind your product, but I had already bought the damn frame. Plus I felt I gushed just the right amount for them to just nod politely and let it go. To be repeatedly told how abhorrent my old frame is/was especially when I was still wearing it was annoying.

Then last night, my friend (let’s call her Spikey for her unnatural love for Spike the vampire- note how I have decided to try out the nicknames) mentioned how by applying a little eye-liner her entire office suddenly decided she was so pretty. Her concern and rightly so, was: were they implying that before the eye-liner she in her spikey fineness was hideous?

I think yes. Most people would lie about directions to a blind man. Why? Because people generally suck. And when they could leave one alone to think that even though they have purchased a fabulous new frame- they did not spent the last two years of their lives looking like Shrek with glasses.

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